Pasture-Raised Chickens

Available as boneless breast, leg quarters, wings, and whole chickens. 

The pasture-raised cornish cross chickens raised on our partner farm, are flavorful and will blow your mind. 

 Our happy chickens travel across the lush pastures of Justice Homestead, in a contraption called a "chicken tractor"  moved every day to fresh grass. They get the best of all worlds, fresh pasture, sunshine, shade, and fresh air. The 3-5 pound dressed chickens have more flavor than we can begin to describe. You’ll need to try one for yourself!

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Organic- Pasture Raised Pork 

Available as individual cuts, roasts, bacon**, and sausages**.

**value-added products not certified organic

Our USDA Certified Organic Berkshire hogs are rotationally grazed through our pasture. They are born here in the Spring, where the mothers are never confined by gestation or farrowing crates.  We wean our piglets after 8 weeks with their mothers, 3 times as long as the large-scale pork industry.


We can assure you, this ain’t your grocery store pork chop. Berkshires are known for outstanding flavor and marbling.

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100% Grass-Fed Beef

Available as individual cuts, roasts, prime-steaks, stew/kebob, and ground beef 

Our Red Devon/Angus beef is 100% grass-fed, 100% of the time. The cattle are moved every day(sometimes twice!) to fresh grass during the growing season and fed only hay (dried grass) during the winter.


Out cattle are renowned for high-quality meat that finishes with excellent flavor and tenderness without any grain. We are dedicated to processing properly finished beef for your culinary delight. 

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